Transcription services have long been needed in the healthcare industry. In fact, many medical facilities still use medical transcription services of some form in today’s world.

They are needed for a number of procedures, the most common being operative or surgical reports, which is a report written in a patient’s medical record to document the details of a surgery. Reports like these are lengthy and must be in conformity with the health-related standards of each country’s regulatory agency. But, considering how these reports can prevent misinformed actions or lack of information altogether (when considering the futuristic scenarios such as other medical treatments or surgeries the patient might need), they are of utmost necessity.

In the past, hospitals and other medical practices would employ full-time or part-time transcriptionists. Most physicians would dictate their patient reports and give these dictations to the transcription department. The result was indeed a completely accurate report of a patient’s chart, but at the expense of a great deal of time lost and money spent.

When it became apparent that medical transcription could be outsourced with similar results, more healthcare facilities started to outsource these tasks, quickly becoming the norm. Eventually, traditional transcription departments were eliminated. This allowed great savings in time for practitioners, and some savings money-wise while providing with almost the same results.

More recently, technology has allowed to go even further on the ability to generate faster, cost-effective and more accurate medical and operative reports. Plenty of medical practices and hospitals made the switch to voice recognition software in order to try to eliminate the transcription component completely.

VoiceInteraction wants to help you take a step further. With VoxControl, our dictation and transcription system, you simply need to speak, and our technology will do the rest.

VoxControl offers a simple and adaptable installation process as well as input and recognition of medical and other specific vocabularies, making it possible to deliver great precision levels and allowing you to maximize your time and effort and focus on what really matters: your patients.

Contact us and ask us for a free trial!