In 2008, the year VoiceInteraction was founded, the vision was simple and clear: speech would be, in the future, the preferred interface to access information. Twelve years later, the scenario is in full harmony with our resolutions, and we expect it to continue.

We are talking about 12 years in which the VoiceInteraction’s R&D team worked hard to develop what would become the technology used by hundreds of broadcasters worldwide, and seen by more than 600 million users at home.

Thus, an automatic, reliable, accurate and competitive product with excellent value for money was created, so that broadcasters around the world – our customers – have the right tools to deliver to all viewers, whether on TV or on other devices, the most accessible content.

If 10 or 20 years ago television programs with closed captioning were seen as the solution for just one problem – the difficulty of people with hearing impairments in fully accessing television content –, now the outlook is different.

It did not take long for everyone to realize the real benefits of having TV or any other audiovisual content with closed captioning enabled; eventually, it became a strong ally in the lives of others.

VoiceInteraction believes the trend is here to stay. Everyone wants to get the best possible result out of the content they are receiving, regardless of the situation, place or time. There are countless situations in which Closed Captioning will be your best supporter:

  • In noisy environments: where the sound is not good or loud enough to clearly understand what is being said, such as, for example, in restaurants or on the street;
  • On mobile devices: closed captioning becomes essential when the sound has to be turned off or the user does not have a headset;
  • Living in a country where the main language spoken is not the same as yours: closed captioning becomes effective so that you not only take advantage of what is being said, but it will also help you learn it in a real practical way.

So, whenever there is a situation where the sound is not good enough for the user to understand its content, closed captioning comes as a permanent and effective solution!

Therefore, the substance of VoiceInteraction‘s automatic speech recognition technology and, consequently, its engine – Audimus – were deployed on a company vision based on inclusion, whose goal is to make content around the world more accessible, generating real knowledge over our most powerful asset: speech.

Today, VoiceInteraction’s team remains united and working harder than before, with the same desire to grow and take that same vision of 12 years ago onwards!

A premium product – and a support service of excellence – that knows no boundaries and that will continue to evolve to meet the real needs of its customers.

VoiceInteraction, knowledge From Speech.

For more information, please contact us: