NAB Show New York has come to an end, and VoiceInteraction would like to thank everyone who took some time to visit us! It is always such a great pleasure meeting all of you.

As you know, we believe that in the future, speech will be the preferred interface for access to information technology and we intend to be a leading company in the area, basing our action on a continuous search for innovative solutions allied with scientific development. So, this year we brought our latest versions of AUDIMUS.MEDIA and MMS Broadcast!



  • AUDIMUS.MEDIAAutomatic closed captioning for live TV programs: produce highly accurate captions automatically and in real time on any live programming, and save your station money. 300 clients worldwide already use AUDIMUS.MEDIA on their live coverage.
  • MMS BROADCAST – Interact with your programming in new ways. We will present a MMS Broadcast with a new look and feel and the same potential: video recording, storage and retrieval, real-time tools for automatic transcription, segmentation and topic indexing of TV contents.


If you didn’t have the chance to meet us, please contact us!