Automatic Service Systems – Building virtual, interactive agents capable of answering questions on content associated with a specific area. These agents are based on a spoken dialogue system, using speech recognition and synthesis systems, 3D facial animation and natural language processing techniques.
The system concept includes speech recognition and synthesis systems, 3D facial animation and a natural language processing system, which interprets the questions asked by the users, accesses the knowledge database for the area and generates an automatic response to the question.

Who can benefit from virtual agents?

Education & Culture


Panteão Nacional: a success story
Maria, a Virtual Agent, can answer questions about the Panteão Nacional
VoiceInteraction provided a Virtual Agent to answer questions about the Panteão Nacional during the "Obras de Santa Engrácia" exhibition, which opened on 24 June 2010 at the Panteão Nacional. In addition to the exhibits, there was also a multimedia component. For this component, VoiceInteraction, working with L2F/INESC-ID, the Universidade de Lisboa Faculty of Arts and the Panteão Nacional team, which was coordinating the exhibition, developed a Virtual Agent concept, called Maria. The idea behind this Agent was to develop a character with its own identity, name, age, family and specific characteristics, in addition to knowledge of matters in a thematic area, in this case the history associated with the Panteão Nacional.
The Agent concept includes speech recognition and synthesis systems, 3D facial animation and a natural language processing system, which interprets the questions asked by the users, accesses the knowledge database for the area and generates an automatic response to the question.
Under the scope of the exhibition in the Panteão, this system shares the multimedia area with an interactive 3D game which uses several types of technology, including 3D facial animation and speech synthesis with lip sync, together with cultural content. These multimedia systems are part of a focus on the development of entertaining platforms, aimed at a young public, with the clear objective of disclosing cultural content.