According to the current legislation, parliaments, municipal councils have to make available for public consultation the transcripts of their meetings in the form of minutes. The typical procedure is the refusal to internal personnel to carry out the manual conversion of the recorded audios to text, a process that tends to extend more than the ideal.

With the recent advances in technology in the area of ​​Artificial Intelligence, particularly in machine learning, this conversion of audio to text can now be automated. Audimus.Server is the VoiceInteraction solution that receives your multimedia files (audio or video) and transcribes the entire speech in a fraction of the duration of the speech.

Behind Audimus.Server is VoiceInteraction’ speech recognition and processing technology, which has the ability to learn and improve with the experience of accessing and analyzing data.

Audimus.Server comprises a set of speech processing tools, such as language and speaker identification, content-aware segmentation and semantic topic identification, generating metadata on the multimedia contents.

Audimus.Server is available in many languages: English (American and British), European Portuguese, African Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish (Castilian & Latin American dialects), French, German, Italian, Swiss and Basque.

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