VoiceInteraction in partnership with the company, LUCA, one of its partners, completed the installation of the MMS – Media Monitoring Solution system in PRODAM, a company processing data for the Amazonas government.

With this system, PRODAM extended its e-Clipping system to Television and Radio, thus providing extremely important media monitoring data to the Amazonas government, both at news and advertising levels.

MMS is a totally automatic integrated solution based on the most advanced automatic speech recognition technology, which transcribes the speech produced in the programmes monitored to text. The text produced and the annotation of the audio characteristics, such as zones of music, speech, segmentation of speakers, serve as the basis for advanced automatic segmentation and indexing of content using semantic information. Added to these innovative processing and information search characteristics, the solution integrates all of the video and audio information recording and storage operations from the television channels and radio stations.
The PRODAM solution records several television channels and radio stations in Amazonas state, according to the needs and specifications of PRODAM. This information is stored for long periods of time and the information associated with these channels is processed online. In the end, this information is made available in a databank which is then integrated into the PRODAM information system.



PRODAM – Processamento de Dados Amazonas S/A is a semi-public, private equity company with shareholder control from the State Government. It was set up in 1970 and began operations in September 1972. Its aim is the provision of services specialising in Information and Communication Technology to Public State Administration bodies. It can also work with other federal bodies, private institutions, municipal administration and other state administration bodies.
For further information, visit http://www.prodam.am.gov.br/