IBC 2014 was an amazing event for VoiceInteraction to showcase its offering for Television Broadcasters and Media Content Producers through live demos of AUDIMUS.MEDIA, a fully automated system for the live subtitling of TV Shows.

Our technology have enjoyed a great deal of interest among the participants. Thus,  the VoiceInteraction’s “crew” would like to thank all the visitors of its booth for all the interest and promising contacts made during the event.

Now that you have seen a fully automated, live subtitling system working in a laptop, with your own speech files, let’s do business, because, you know, the clock is ticking and the market won’t wait for you!



If you have further questions about:

  • AUDIMUS.MEDIA, an automated system to produce closed captions for live programs;
  • AUDIMUS.SERVER, an automated system for batch subtitling, supporting all standard subtitling formats;
  • Media Monitoring Solution, a real-time system that records and transcribes speech data from TV channels and radio stations, 24/7, developed (primarily) for Clipping Service Providers

Please, contact us by filling in our contact form.