Closed captioning has been gaining the attention of the media industry in the last few years. US TV Stations are well aware of that and are putting these kinds of solutions in their priorities in order to enhance their video workflows.

To meet this scenario, VoiceInteraction’s technology has been helping US TV Broadcasters on their live programs’ coverage, providing an automatic closed captioning solution that delivers captions in real-time for any live workflow.

While manual captioning can be extremely costly, automatic solutions such as VoiceInteraction’s Audimus.Media have huge potential, as it relies on machine learning technologies to improve recognition capabilities and learn new words and local terms.

2018 started with several new TV Stations in USA acquiring Audimus.Media for their live programs and the expectations for new adoptions are big, specially after NAB Show event in Las Vegas.

Besides the American English and Latin American Spanish, Audimus.Media is also available in several European languages: British English, Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, Basque and Swiss dialects.