A new version of AUDIMUS.MEDIA was released at NAB Show and the feedback was positive, as this solution is now being tested by more than 50 affiliates of the main TV Networks in USA.

But what does this solution promise? It is really clear-cut: it generates closed captions for live TV broadcasts or even streamed contents without any human intervention, while complying with legal requirements imposed for TV broadcasters to produce closed captions for their contents and avoiding prohibitively high costs of manual captioning. It delivers high accurate captions in real-time for any type of programming. The system’s fifth generation comprises several major improvements, such as the integration of deep-learning techniques to optimize the performance of acoustic models derived from the ever-growing speech repositories, an updated version of the American English language model with its extended vocabulary and a reduction on latency time for flawless captions during broadcast.

VoiceInteraction believes that the best way for clients to fully understand the potential of a product is by testing it inhouse. That is why VoiceInteraction is being encouraging TV Stations to test AUDIMUS.MEDIA, without a purchase compromise.

If you are keen on testing AUDIMUS.MEDIA, get in touch with us by send an e-mail to: info@voiceinteraction.tv.