VoiceInteraction’s new and improved solution for media monitoring: the MMS-BE

In a near future, speech will be the preferred interface to access information, regardless of the industry. In many countries, it has already become mandatory for broadcasters to comply with the many regulatory requirements. VoiceInteraction’s new media monitoring solution was designed with broadcasters’ needs in mind and focuses on going further on Compliance & Logging demands.

The expectations around a media monitoring solution that meets broadcasters’ demands are increasing day by day: in this industry, with knowledge and information being the keywords, cutting-edge media monitoring technologies are essential in helping companies achieve greater competitive advantage. To cope with the ever-evolving pace of TV production and management, TV stations need a media solution that is not only able to provide solutions for the everyday needs, such as recording, monitoring, and compliance features but is also able to extract all relevant data and help companies make use of that content-specific knowledge.

Understanding the rapid changes the media monitoring industry is facing right now, VoiceInteraction took on a proactive approach and designed an integrated solution for video recording, compliance, storage, and retrieval, comprising real-time tools for automatic transcription, segmentation and topic indexing of TV contents. Media Monitoring System: Broadcast Edition, or MMS-BE, is a fully automated solution for legal recording TV programming and building large-sized (searchable) audiovisual archives with different purposes (audit, reissuing, building multi platform clips).

With a strong speech processing and machine learning background, VoiceInteraction was able to tailor MMS-BE to TV Broadcasters’ specific needs while introducing innovative features. The distinctive overlay of content-specific data along with detailed monitoring reports enables MMS-BE to enhance the performance of several departments in a TV Station, such as:

  • Engineering: by having access to all the recording and operational conditions of the system, through an exhaustive alert center system;
  • Journalistic: by making use of the recognition search system to gather relevant information on pertinent topics of past coverages in order to substantiate the creation of current journalistic pieces;
  • Production: by being able to collect all the broadcasted TV data and analyzing it thoroughly, therefore allowing the internal optimization of processes and supporting production planning;
  • Sales and Marketing: by taking advantage of the features MMS-BE offers that are pertinent to the key aspects of the value chain, such as allowing programming analysis, in terms of share and ratings data, and frame-level content comparison with market competitors.

MMS has been widely accepted: we are currently working with top industry leaders in Europe and Brazil and are on the software testing phase with several broadcasters in Canada and US. Technology is our ally and VoiceInteraction is proud to present a new and improved version of MMS-BE for broadcasters all over the world that will help ease TV stations’ workflow and give them the right tools to obtain the knowledge needed for success.