As result of our commitment to customer satisfaction through a continuous search for better and innovative solutions to meet their requirements, we are proud to announce that a successful audit granted VoiceInteraction S.A. the renewal of the certifications to ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management) and NP 4457:2007 (Research, Development and Innovation Management) standards.

About ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2008 certification is granted to companies with quality management systems able to ensure compliance with the standard requisites:

  • ability to consistently provide products that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
  • customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements

As a knowledge-intensive company operating in a challenging environment, we believe that our customers play a significant role in our continuous attempt to create effective procedures and solutions for the challenges posed by the market. Accordingly, we at VoiceInteraction are commited to working in close collaboration with our customers in order to get more insight into their problems and provide them with appropriate solutions.

About NP 4457:2007

NP 4457:2007 (Portuguese Standard) standard establishes the requisites for an effective Research, Development and Innovation Management system, that can support the development of innovation-related activities at multiple levels:

  • Scientific and Technological
  • Organization Procedures
  • Marketing

About VoiceInteraction

VoiceInteraction is a technology-based SME operating on the global market with multi-lingual, real-time solutions for speech transcription and synthesis and audio indexing and spot detection.

The capability of VoiceInteraction’s speech transcription technology to operate faster than real-time (in addition to the use of speaker-independent recognition models) paved the way for the creation of AUDIMUS.MEDIA, a fully automated system to produce closed captions for live TV programs. AUDIMUS.MEDIA currently supports most of the Western-European languages. For further information about AUDIMUS.MEDIA please visit the solutions’s page.  A Media Monitoring Solution —  an online audio indexation system developed for Clipping Service Providers — also builds on the VoiceInteraction’s real-time speech transcription technology.  In speech synthesis, VoiceInteraction specialized in building customized voices to accomodate the branding needs of its clients.
