Before, during and after a meeting there is a need for the decisions made to be put on paper. Minutes, legal documents, reports, memos – everything requires the transformation from speech to writing. All organizations, whether public or private, face the same dilemma: the need to have a complex process that requires the allocation of many resources from administrative structures, but which is essential to the functioning of the organization, which is why its existence and execution are mandatory.

In the sectors of Health and Justice, it is absolutely essential to keep a compilation of everything that is discussed among the professionals present in the room – in a surgery, it is essential to keep a medical history of the entire procedure, as well as possible innovations made or complications encountered; in a court, it is vital that all information said during hearings and trials is collected and presented efficiently, in order to substantiate verdicts and sentences.

Likewise, companies that provide a call center service, or organizations that have built-in call centers due to the type of services/products offered, have the same problem – ensuring that all communication made is retained, monitored and transcribed quickly and efficiently.

On the other hand, companies in the content creation industry, such as television networks and stations, see their problem intensified – while for most organizations this translates into an internal loss of valuable resources, for companies in the television industry the lack of speed and effectiveness means the lack of a competitive advantage, which can translate into a loss of market share for other companies in the same sector. For companies in this industry, the solution to these internal needs is twice as relevant.

All of these dictation and/or transcription procedures for audios and videos recorded during these activities are usually slow, inefficient and fallible processes: qualified professionals see their time being consumed by tasks that could be automated and performed without margins of error when they could use this same useful period to engage in activities that directly affect the organization’s core business.

Therefore, since it is not possible to escape these tasks, it is up to companies to find solutions that mitigate the negative impact on their resources.

It was with these dilemmas in mind that VoiceInteraction created each one of its products, and in each solution offered by us, the greater goal of helping companies to have the opportunity to allocate their resources in a more efficient and productive way is present.

Our tools accommodate for several of the tasks of an organization and, regardless of the need in question, result in an increase in efficiency and a better allocation of resources. Solutions involving automatic transcription, live captioning and automatic call handling and monitoring are the main focus of VoiceInteraction.

Our VoxControl tool, an automatic dictation system that allows a productivity optimization in specific sectors such as Health and Justice, helps companies save time in the production of medical reports and legal documents so that the professionals can focus on doing their most important tasks.

CallScriber allows all your calls to be analyzed and transcribed in an automated way, providing security and eliminating the hours that would be spent transcribing and categorizing information, giving back those hours back to the professionals and allowing them to have the time and the necessary tools to analyze all the information removed by the system.

Our Audimus.Server solution transcribes generated audios, thus creating an advanced starting point which drastically reduces the time that a professional is dedicated to these secondary tasks. In a world where the speed with which information circulates is a differentiating factor, by choosing the Audimus.Server you can increase the speed with which the decisions made reach everyone.

The Audimus.Media and Media Monitoring System (MMS) and MMS Broadcast Edition tools are innovative solutions in the areas of automatic subtitling, audio and video transcription and content monitoring, and therefore ideal for the TV and Media industry. This is a more reliable and economical alternative when comparing to the traditional manual services that guarantees companies exceptional levels of precision and the fulfillment of compliance and accessibility legal obligations.

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