VoiceInteraction completed the installation of the MMS – Media Monitoring Solution system in INFO4, one of the best information monitoring companies in Brazil.

Following installation, INFO4 was provided with an automatic, 40-channel monitoring system, between TV channels and radio stations, giving it new client services to complement the existing services.
MMS is a totally automatic integrated solution based on the most advanced automatic speech recognition technology, which transcribes the speech produced in the programmes monitored to text. The text produced and the annotation of the audio characteristics, such as zones of music, speech, segmentation of speakers, serve as the basis for advanced automatic segmentation and indexing of content using semantic information. Added to these innovative processing and information search characteristics, the solution integrates all of the video and audio information recording and storage operations from the television channels and radio stations.
INFO4 records 40 television channels and radio stations in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District. The news and advertisements on these channels are processed online and the information generated is made available in a database which is then integrated into the INFO4 information system to be distributed to its clients.


About INFO4

On the market since 1999, INFO4 is known as one of the best information monitoring companies in Brazil. INFO4 presents a new product and services portfolio to the market, focusing on strategic Marketing, Advertising, Competitive Intelligence, Retail, Products, Sales and Legal tools. The company’s mission is to provide its clients with intelligent information. To do this, it uses a complete solution for control and evaluation of media information, as well as strategic tools of added value to companies. Always one step ahead of the competition, INFO4 is constantly investing in the search for new technology, in hiring and training better professionals. Quality and the commitment to offering better services have increasingly earned it more market confidence, which can be seen in its client portfolio.
For further information, visit http://www.info4.com.br/


Client Opinion

“The MMS brought many advances in performance and control and management of capturing TVs and radios and the most relevant, the advanced level of audio recognition in text with the extremely high quality of the result. Production can be optimised with significant gains in the time for making it available to clients and new sales possibilities for the commercial department, offering news and advertising monitoring solutions on over 40 TV channels and radio stations in Brazil in real time. The automation of the entire process generated significant savings in the number or employees needed for production.”

Alexandre Vique, INFO4 Director