About us

Our Vision

We believe that in the future, speech will be the preferred interface for access to information technology and we intend to be a leading company in the area, basing our action on a continuous search for innovative solutions allied with scientific development. By providing solutions focusing on speech processing technology, we intend to introduce competitive advantages into our partners' and clients' products.

Institutional liaisons


By using speech processing technology, companies are able to present solutions and products more advanced technologically, in particular in the interface with users and access to content.

Through its own R&D capacity and the strong connection to L2F/INESC-ID, VoiceInteraction can carry out technologically innovative projects which allow its associate companies to present new solutions. These make the products supplied by the companies more profitable.

Innovation, Technology, Research & Development

Our Research, Development and Innovation Policy respects the following principles:

We are committed to systematically and sustainably developing internationally competitive solutions through Knowledge and Innovation management.

Identifying and/or anticipating the needs of clients, consumers and partners and proactively customising these solutions, i.e. constant evolution of the offer in response to new market and consumer trends.


Looking for new technological solutions at product and process level, in partnership with scientific entities, clients, suppliers and others.

Providing incentives to the motivation, creativity and qualification of employees in order to continuously promote a culture of commitment and an environment enhancing scientific and technological knowledge.

Continuously improving the effectiveness of the RD&I management system, making the most of the resources available and assuring that results are evaluated and supported.

Our Partners Associations


Being a company where innovation plays an important role in creating new products and functions, VoiceInteraction has taken an active part in several national and international projects.

These projects led to new partnerships with companies and research centers in several countries, and have enhanced many pre-existing partnerships.



With the investment on a internationalization project, VoiceInteraction intends to strengthen its internal competitive capacity to ensure growth in thriving markets in the area of Automatic Subtitling, Clipping, Security and Call Centers.



The main purpose of this project is the automatic transcription of interrogation sessions and testimonials to maximize resources and reduce the burden and time spent currently on manual transcription procedures in the area.



The consortium AGATHA, made up of 2 business entities (Compta and VoiceInteraction) and 2 Non-Business Entities of the Research and Innovation System (CCG and Évora University), intends with this project to develop a system aimed at criminal investigation...



The CallScriber project aims at building an integrated platform in which contents arisen from lawful interceptions (phone calls) can be automatically transcribed (through the use of ASR technology) and segmented according to the speaker (speaker diarization)...



The aim of the CAPER project is the prevention of organised crime through creating a common platform that facilitates sharing, exploration and analysis of publicly accessible information, as well as information from private repositories.



The SAVAS project will collect text and audiovisual resources produced in six European languages (Spanish, Basque, Portuguese, Italian, French and German). The resulting repositories will be annotated at several levels (including spelling)...


QREN 2525

The Dialogue Management System will permit, generically speaking, a natural conversation to be established between a user/client/consumer and a given entity, without the intervention of a human operator...


QREN 5108

This project is part of one of the main areas of action in the distribution and filtering of semantic information associated with multimedia content. There are excellent perspectives both nationally and internationally for the exploitation of these kinds of products...



VoiceInteraction's team is made up of professionals with vast experience in computational speech processing, as well as basic training in areas such as linguistics or electrotechnical and computer engineeringIn addition to being highly technically skilled, the spirit of initiative and the pleasure they get from contributing to anticipating the future are some of the identifying characteristics of this group. Want to make part of our team?